Eating Cheese: Health Benefits, Risks, Types, Nutrition Fact

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Cheese, the famous dairy product that is a hot favorite among various people all over the world, is actually made from the fatty and protein-rich milk of sheep, cows, goats, and buffaloes. Casein, a kind of protein present in the milk, is made to coagulate, and as a result, cheese is formed. 

Sold in various flavors, shapes, and textures, cheese is used to prepare various food items like burgers, pizzas, pasta, sandwiches, casseroles, salads, etc. It imparts a different flavor, smell, and color to various dishes. There are many Health Benefits to Eating Cheese, so it’s good to eat. However, some people with Old-school thinking doubt that eating cheese may confront them with various health risks because of the unsaturated fat present in it. 

Eating Cheese 9 Health Benefits, 4 Risks, 4 Types, and 8 Nutrition Facts
Eating Cheese 9 Health Benefits, 4 Risks, 4 Types, and 8 Nutrition Facts

So, what’s the truth? Is cheese really good or bad? Newer research on cheese suggests that eating cheese is healthy. However, you need to eat it in moderation, thinking about the potential health risks its large consumption can put you. Are you curious to know more about cheese? Then, Say Cheese!…and keep reading.  

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Cheese is a milk product produced by acidifying milk and adding casein-coagulating enzymes (rennet/other bacterial enzymes). After adding the enzymes, the milk turns into curd. The cheese manufacturers then separate the solid curds from the liquid derivatives. The curds are then pressed to give them new shapes. 

The type of cheese depends upon the milk’s origin, its processing, including pasteurization, its butterfat quantity, the types of bacteria or mold used, etc. The different flavors of the cheese come from the different herbs, spices, etc, that are used to flavor it. Different cheese has different flavors. Some cheese manufacturers also use taste-enhancing substances (such as black pepper, cranberries, chives, garlic, etc) on cheese so that it tastes better. 

Cheese also comes in different colors, including yellow and red. Adding annatto to cheeses gives them red, yellow, and other colors. Some cheeses are produced by acidifying them to higher degrees, whereas others are less acidified using milk sugars to lactic acid-converting bacteria. 

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Cheese is a highly portable and valued food item that is nutrient-rich and doesn’t spoil easily, which is why there are many health benefits to eating cheese. It’s enriched with protein, phosphorus, calcium & fat. Hard cheese (for example, Parmesan cheese) has a longer shelf life than soft cheese (for example, Brie cheese or cheeses made with goat’s milk). Today, various kinds of cheese (especially block-shaped cheeses) are stored in vacuum packaging and distributed in plastic bags (with gas flushing) made of carbon dioxide gas and nitrogen gas. 

A cheesemonger (cheese specialist) usually has various degrees of expertise in cheeses and hence buys the cheeses after selecting them and stores and ripens them. They do it before eating them or selling them to the customers. Plant-based cheeses have a lower carbon footprint than animal-based cheeses. 

9 Health Benefits Of Eating Cheese

Here are the 9 Health Benefits of eating Cheese:

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9 Health Benefits Of Eating Cheese
9 Health Benefits Of Eating Cheese

1. Cheese May Be Beneficial For Your Cardiovascular Health

Avoiding cheese, thinking that it may add cholesterol to your body and risk your health? But, do you know, research says just the opposite of it? Research conducted in 2018 on fermented milk derivatives like cheese, yogurt, etc, has concluded that they are very favorable for your heart. 

This is because a specific kind of fatty acid, heptadecanoic acid, is present in these dairy products, which lowers the risk of heart ailments, strokes, and heart disease-related deaths. Also, any dairy product like whole-fat cheese that is full of fat is anti-inflammatory and full of nutrition. So, it is seen that eating whole-fat cheese lowers the chance of heart-related disorders. 

2. Cheese Improves Your Gut Health By Acting Like A Probiotic

Like yogurt, there are some cheeses (like Swiss Cheese, Gouda cheese, Cottage cheese, Cheddar cheese, Edam cheese, etc) that produce short-chain fatty acids. These short-chain fatty acids absorb calcium, iron, magnesium, etc from your gut and thus maintain the balance between the acid and base of your gut. 

As a result, your gut’s all-around structure, process, and healthfulness remain intact. Always eat the cheese before cooking, especially when it is fresh; otherwise, the probiotic properties of the cheese may erode due to heat. Just put some slices of cheese on your sandwich, burger, salad, etc, and munch them on for healthy nourishment.   

3. Cheese May Help You Become Less Obese:

Any cheese that has high-fat content (for example, cheddar cheese, Brie cheese, etc.) comprises CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), though in small quantities. CLA, being a healthful fat, may curb your obesity, lessen your inflammation, and save you from heart ailments. Modern cheddar cheese is made from milk from a hundred percent herbivorous animals and comprises twice the quantity of CLA as compared to traditional cheddar cheese. However, the nutritional benefits of modern Cheddar cheese may be lower than those of traditional Cheddar cheese. 

4. Cheese Is A Healthy Choice Full Of Nutrients

Cheese is a healthy food. It is not only rich in calcium, protein, fat, Vitamins A, B12, Zinc, Riboflavin, and phosphorus but also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids (great for the heart and metabolic health of a person). Omega-6 fatty acids are also present in cheese in a balanced way. 

5. Cheese Boosts Your Muscle Mass

Wanna be strong and fit and lead your life in a healthy way? Then, trust it on cheese, particularly ricotta cheese). The research found that consuming 1 cup of this cheese per day not only makes you stronger by improving your muscle mass but also promotes your balance in a healthy way. However, to get the result, you have to continue the diet for about twelve weeks. According to the researchers, the credit for it goes to casein (the milk proteins) and whey, which are present in milk and, hence, in the cheese made from it.  

6. Cheese May Assist In Lessening Your Body’s Cholesterol

Cheese, the fermented dairy product, comprises calcium and Vitamin K2, which are likely to transport fat and cholesterol through one’s gut. As a result, very little cholesterol or calories are absorbed in your body. This does not apply to butter. So, cheese is a healthy choice as compared to butter. 

7. Cheese Makes Your Bones Stronger  And Perhaps Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Cheese comprises calcium, which strengthens one’s bones and teeth. Apart from that, it is also known to lower one’s blood pressure and prevent his/her death. 

8. Cheese Saves You From Diabetes

Cheese contains shorter-chain saturated fats, whey protein (strengthens insulin sensitivity), and calcium (insulin secretion stimulator) it. So, consuming cheese regularly in a small/moderate amount (2 cups to 3/4 cups) keeps type 2 diabetes away from you.

9. Cheese Boosts Your Oral Health

Cheese comprises probiotics. These probiotics in cheese impact your saliva’s bacteria types and other immunological combinations in a positive way. Also, cheese consumption saves your mouth from various inconveniences such as tooth decay, mouth sores, painful swallowing or chewing, gum infection, etc, and also reduces its chance of being dry. This is done by boosting the saliva ebb in your mouth. Also, the calcium in cheese makes your teeth stronger by saving them from cavities. So, cheese is an active food product that is beneficial for maintaining good oral health. 

Potential Health Risks Associated With Cheese

As there’s a saying, “anything in moderation is fine”, it is also applicable to cheese. Cheese is healthy to eat, but it must be eaten with restraint; otherwise, you may face many of its health risks. With the knowledge of these risks, you will be able to make choices for cheese more consciously. Sometimes, contaminated cheese spurs unpleasant consequences. Also, people with improper health conditions and those who have to go for dietary changes must definitely exclude cheese from their diet. 

Potential Health Risks Associated With Cheese
Potential Health Risks Associated With Cheese

1. Listeria Contamination

Unpasteurized/raw milk soft cheese (for example,  blue-veined cheese) sometimes gets contaminated with listeria, which results in illnesses. Cheeses prone to Listeria contamination are mainly Brie, feta, Camembert, blue-veined cheese, queso fresco, and queso panela. Besides, Queso Blanco cheese is also susceptible to contamination. Any soft cheese that doesn’t comprise pasteurized milk must be avoided, especially by immunodeficient people, aged adults, pregnant women, and kids/children, as they are susceptible to Listeria contamination by eating that cheese. 

2. Cheese, Despite Being A High-calorie Diet, Has Zero Fiber Content

Cheese, though loaded with calories and saturated fats, is low in fiber. So, it is thought to make you fat and is not a completely healthful food to eat. Contacting a renowned dietitian will help you decide whether to eat cheese. He/she will suggest the consumption of cheese depending on your body’s overall cholesterol and fat content. 

3. Cheese May Not Suit People Who Are Lactose Intolerant Or Have Other Kinds Of Allergies

Every cheese is comprised of sugar called lactose, which lactose-intolerant people find hard to digest. This is because every normal person comprises an enzyme in their stomach that breaks down their foods into smaller parts, which is not present in lactose intolerant people. So, people with lactose intolerance frequently face issues of gas, diarrhea, bloated stomach, etc. 

Thanks to some cheeses like Parmesan, Cheddar, Swiss, etc. (containing a lower level of lactose intolerance), lactose-intolerant people can also consume them. Also, some lactase pills and supplements taken on the advice of your doctor will relieve you from the problem temporarily. 

Some people have a milk allergy or other kinds of allergies, so they can’t consume dairy products, including cheese. 

4. Cheese Has High Sodium Content

Every cheese is comprised of a certain quantity of sodium. Sodium is known for minimizing bacterial/fungal growth in the food and thus protects your food from spoilage! However, the high sodium present in cheeses risks your heart health and unfavorably affects your overall health in a negative way. 

Types Of Cheese

Cheese comes in many types, and Here are 4 Types of Cheese

1. Aged Cheese

Aged cheese is a strong-flavored cheese with a firm texture and high salt content. Some examples are cheddar, Swiss, and parmesan cheese. Because aged cheese takes time to mature, it is conserved for an extended time before ultimately being traded in the market.  

2. Reduced-Fat Cheese

These types of cheese are lower in fat and, hence, appropriate for diet-conscious people. Each serving comprises nearly 3 gm of fat and is labeled as ” low-fat” in the packaging. This type of cheese is 25 % lower in fat than the regular cheese sold in the market. 

3. Fresh Cheese

Fresh cheeses are cheeses that are highly moisturized and soft textured and are of ready-to-eat type. This type of cheese doesn’t require any maturation time before selling. Examples of some of these cheeses are ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, etc. 

4. Whole Milk Cheese

Prepared from unskimmed and regular milk, these types of cheeses contain high saturated fat. People with good heart health can eat these cheeses in moderation. However, those who are suffering from any heart ailment or have high cholesterol in their bodies are always advised to restrain their consumption of this cheese. 

Apart from these cheeses, there are some food products that are named cheese but are not completely cheese. Processed cheese (for example, American cheese) and non-dairy cheese are some of them. 

Processed cheeses are actually the mixture of one kind of cheese with another kind of cheese or with other dairy derivatives. Some more ingredients add flavor to the cheese. This type of cheese is also known as “pasteurized process cheese food” and comprises a high quantity of sodium as compared to other cheeses. 

Non-dairy cheese is a vegan (made from plant products) cheese that comprises ingredients such as nuts, soy, coconut, etc in it. The non-dairy vegan cheese that comprises cashews, tofu, etc, is much more nutritious than those that comprise components of coconut in them. Also, the famous coconut-based cheeses are highly processed, which is not the case with nut-based non-dairy cheeses. 

Nutrition Facts About Cheese

Different cheese comprises different nutrition facts. Here are the nutritional facts about some of the popular cheeses-

1. Cheddar Cheese Nutrition Facts

One ounce or 28.35 grams of this cheese comprises 120 calories and 10 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 200 milligrams of calcium, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 7 grams of protein. Apart from that, 190 milligrams of sodium are also present in this cheese. 

2. Brie Cheese Nutrition Facts

One ounce or 28.35 grams of this cheese comprises 100 calories and 9 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 150 milligrams of calcium, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 5 grams of protein. Apart from that, 170 milligrams of sodium are also present in this cheese.

3. Gouda Cheese Nutrition Facts

One ounce or 28.35 grams of this cheese comprises 110 calories and 9 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 200 milligrams of calcium, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 7 grams of protein. Apart from that, 200 milligrams of sodium are also present in this cheese.

4. Mozzarella Cheese Nutrition Facts

One ounce or 28.35 grams of this cheese comprises 85 calories and 6 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 143 milligrams of calcium, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of protein. Apart from that, 138 milligrams of sodium are also present in this cheese.

5. Feta Cheese Nutrition Facts

One ounce or 28.35 grams of this cheese comprises 60 calories and 4 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 60 milligrams of calcium, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 5 grams of protein. Apart from that, 360 milligrams of sodium are also present in this cheese.

6. Swiss Cheese Nutrition Facts

One ounce or 28.35 grams of this cheese comprises 111 calories and 8.8 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 19 percent of calcium (of the DV), 0.4 grams of carbohydrates, and 7.7 grams of protein. Apart from that, 2 percent of sodium (of the DV) is also present in this cheese.

7. Non-Dairy Coconut-Based Cheese (Cheddar Style Slice) Nutrition Facts

0.8 ounces or 22 grams of this cheese comprises 60 calories and 5 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 11 percent of calcium (of the DV) and 4 grams of carbohydrates. The cheese comprises no protein in it. Apart from that, 7 percent of sodium (of the DV) is also present in this cheese.

8. American Cheese Nutrition Facts

One ounce or 28.35 grams of this cheese comprises 102 calories and 8.6 grams of fat. Also, it encompasses 22 percent of calcium (of the DV), 1.3 grams of carbohydrates, and 5.1 grams of protein. Apart from that, 25 percent of sodium (of the DV) is also present in this cheese.

Recipes Of Cheese

Cheese can be used to make a lot of cuisines. Some of them are-

  • Cheese Balls
  • Cheese Chilli Toast
  • Cream Cheese Sandwich
  • Cheesecake
  • Cheese Macaroni
  • Cheese Cookies
  • Cheese Garlic Bread
  • Cheese Margherita Pizza
  • Cheesy Corn Tarts
  • Feta Cheese Salad With Olive And Watermelon
  • Cheesy Potato Gratin With Garlic Cream
  • Pesto Eggplant With Cheese
  • Cheese Fondue
  • Mushroom Mac With Cheese
  • Classic Mac With Cheese
  • Mozzarella Sticks


Cheese, especially grilled ones, is enriched with nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc. Hence, it is beneficial for your health, primarily for your muscles, bones, and oral health. However, the fat and calorie content in cheese makes us indecisive. We get stuck between “whether to eat it” or “not to eat it”. But, the truth is that you can eat cheese more healthily by picking a healthier bread for sandwiches, choosing flavorful yet less fat cheese, eating vegetables and fruits with the cheese, and cooking the cheese in healthy yet low-fat oil. So, consume this versatile food in a healthy way and enjoy its every crumb to the fullest.


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Lucia Sterpone
Lucia Sterpone
Lucia Sterpone, a dedicated nutrition professional with a remarkable 8-year journey in promoting well-being through sound nutritional practices. Lucia specializes in providing expert nutrition counseling and education to individuals and groups. He has a passion for helping people improve their health through proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

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