Feb 13 2023

10 Poisonous Plants to Avoid for Your Health and Safety

Feb 13 2023

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Pretty seeds, commonly used in jewelry, are toxic due to the presence of aversion and can cause death if ingested.

Feb 13 2023

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White snakeroot is a poisonous herb native to North America that contains the toxin tree metal.

Feb 13 2023

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Daffodils contain lycorine and calcium oxalate crystals which can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain if ingested.

Feb 13 2023

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Belladonna is a highly toxic plant native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia, and its leaves and berries can be fatal if ingested.

Feb 13 2023

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Oleander is one of the most poisonous garden plants, and all parts of the plant are toxic, causing symptoms in the gastrointestinal system, heart, and central nervous system.

Feb 13 2023

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Jimsonweed is a tall plant found worldwide that is poisonous, with its leaves and seeds causing symptoms such as hospitalization and death if ingested.

Feb 13 2023

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Castor plants contain a toxic water-soluble toxin called ricin, which is present in its seeds and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and death if ingested.

Feb 13 2023

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Manchineel is a toxic tree whose sap, fruit, and leaves contain irritants that can cause skin blisters and ocular injuries.

Feb 13 2023

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Water hemlock is one of the most poisonous plants in North America and contains the toxin CQ toxin which causes seizures and respiratory paralysis.

Feb 13 2023

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Rhododendron plants contain the toxin nano toxin in their pollen and nectar, causing symptoms such as low blood pressure, weak pulse, and slow heart rate if ingested.


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