Keto Diet Foods List: What to Eat on the Keto Diet

14 March 2023

Fish and seafood like shrimps are great sources of protein, vitamin B, and Selenium.

14 March 2023

Poultry meat or red meats are higher in lean protein and is taken as a staple for the Ketogenic diet. This poultry doesn’t contain any carbohydrates but is a greater basis for vitamin B.

14 March 2023

Milk Cheese or yogurt is higher in calcium as well as protein-rich. Cheese is also rich in fat and contains zero carbs which is highly suitable for the keto diet.

14 March 2023

There are a variety of green veggies which have lower carbs and calories and instead include minerals, vitamin C, and nutrients.

14 March 2023

If you want to focus more on polyunsaturated and monosaturated fibers, fats, and protein then nuts and seeds are excellent sources. When you calculate the net car a then it’s quite low.

14 March 2023

Certain healthy oils like coconut and olive are often recommended for cooking while on the keto diet.

14 March 2023

Even though coconut oil does have saturated fat but it does contain Medium Chain Triglycerides for increasing ketone production.

14 March 2023

MCTs, help in losing weight as well as shedding belly fat.

14 March 2023

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