The Best Meals to Reduce Artery Plaque and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
26 March 2023
Discussing the best meal to help reduce plaquing in arteries and prevent cardiovascular disease.
26 March 2023
Plaque is a combination of calcium, protein, and cholesterol, often the result of biofilms.
26 March 2023
Microbes build little calcium igloos or shells to protect themselves, which can accumulate on roughened artery edges.
26 March 2023
Vitamin K2 is essential for driving calcium into the bones rather than the soft tissues of the body.
26 March 2023
Studies suggest that periodontal bacteria can end up in the plaquing of arteries, highlighting the importance of oral health.
26 March 2023
High vitamin C foods are necessary to prevent bacterial translocation.
26 March 2023
Vitamin E is crucial in preventing lesions on the wall of the artery and is important in keeping the heart muscle healthy.
26 March 2023
Plaque in arteries is a combination of calcium, protein, and cholesterol.
26 March 2023
Lesions, oxidation, inflammation, and damage from excessive sugar in the diet can cause plaque to accumulate in arteries.
26 March 2023
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