The Impact of Sugar on Immune System Support: Deficiencies in Vitamin D, C, and Zinc

28  March 2023

Sugar intake can cause a deficiency in three crucial nutrients for immune system support: vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc.

28  March 2023

Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system, minimizing collateral damage from pathogens and keeping inflammation regulated.

28  March 2023

Vitamin C increases the mobility of white blood cells, boosts their activity and production of weaponry, and helps them to defend against infections.

28  March 2023

Zinc is crucial for the thymus gland and lymphatic tissue; without it, white blood cell quantity decreases and the duration of infection prolongs.

28  March 2023

The three nutrients minimize collateral damage from pathogens and are crucial for going through an infection with minimal symptoms.

28  March 2023

Sugar impairs the absorption, activation, and production of vitamin D, and inhibits the activation of vitamin D, leading to deficiency.

28  March 2023

Sugar intake can lead to a deficiency in vitamin C as the body always prioritizes sugar intake over vitamin C intake.

28  March 2023

Excessive sugar intake causes hyperzincuria, leading to excessive amounts of zinc being excreted through urine.

28  March 2023

Sugar also impairs the absorption of zinc and is another reason why diabetics are nearly always deficient in zinc.

28  March 2023