
27  March 2023

The Power of Novelty: How Our Brains Crave New Experiences

(University of Pennsylvania study)


Having a backup plan can decrease motivation and success in the primary plan.

27  March 2023

including empathy theory


Yawning is contagious and can demonstrate empathy.

27  March 2023

(University of Pennsylvania study)


People care more about single individuals than massive tragedies.

27  March 2023

(Negativity Bias)


Five positive things are needed to outweigh one negative thing.

27  March 2023


Food tastes better when someone else makes it.

27  March 2023

(study by researchers)


People prefer knowing something bad is going to happen over uncertainty.

27  March 2023

(Broken Windows Theory)


When one rule is broken it can lead to further rule-breaking. 

27  March 2023

(University of California study)


Being around positive people can improve your mood.

27  March 2023

(multiple studies)


Our brains are wired to crave novelty. 

27  March 2023


Best 10 Inspirational Quotes for Wellness and Good Health