15 MAY  2023

Twisted Tea: The Refreshing Hard Iced Tea with a Twist

Twisted Tea is the first-ever hard iced tea, combining real tea, real lemon, and a sweet chilling taste.


Twisted Tea is the first-ever hard iced tea, combining real tea, real lemon, and a sweet chilling taste.

What Is Twisted Tea 

Twisted Tea contains regular iced tea, flavored ingredients, lemonade, and alcohol (4-5% volume).


It was first produced by the Boston Beer Company in the year 2000.

Boston Beer Company

Twisted Tea has less caffeine than a cup of coffee, with approximately 30 mg per 12-ounce can.

Caffeine Content

It is an alcoholic malt beverage similar to beer, containing ethyl alcohol derived from malt.

Alcoholic Content

A serving of Twisted Tea (12 fl. oz) contains 194 calories.

Calorie Count

It has zero grams of fat, cholesterol, and saturated fat.

Fat and Cholesterol

Twisted Tea provides 25.9 grams of carbohydrates, with 23 grams of sugar and 0 grams of dietary fiber.

Carbohydrates and Sugar

The beverage contains 14 grams of alcohol (4-5%).

Alcohol Content

Burning off 194 calories from a can of Twisted Tea can take approximately 16 minutes of swimming, 19 minutes of running, 22 minutes of jogging, 30 minutes of cycling, or 54 minutes of walking.

Calorie Burning

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