Refreshing Watermelon Ginger Juice Recipe for Hydration and Libido Boost

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

wash the watermelon's outer skin and then slice the fruit into cubes.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

Do not remove the watermelon skin; it contains many nutrients and chlorophyll, which are important.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

Feel free to add a few ice cubes to cool this if you wish to drink it straight away with one inch of sliced ginger root.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

Process the mixture until smooth and then use a sieve to remove the fibers and drink.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

This serves around two to three glasses.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

You can drink this every single day as often as you wish.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

This drink helps to hydrate the body whilst adding lots of vitamins and minerals to your daily regimen.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

The antioxidants will also increase your libido.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

The antioxidants will also increase your libido.

Feb 20 2023

img source: Unsplash

