Master the Tree Pose for Better Balance and Strength

25  March 2023

Stand straight with arms straight and feet close together.

25  March 2023

Shift weight onto the left leg and lift the right hand.

25  March 2023

Place the right foot's sole onto the left thigh's inside.

25  March 2023

Bring both arms towards the top and connect palms together.

25  March 2023

Benefits of Tree Pose include opening hip bones and strengthening muscles.

25  March 2023

Tree Pose also helps with balance and physical activities.

25  March 2023

Keep legs straight and the sole of one foot on the thigh of the other leg.

25  March 2023

The left knee should remain straight and the foot should not go down.

25  March 2023

The pose can be modified and altered according to individual needs.

25  March 2023

The pose can be modified and altered according to individualneeds.Precautions should be taken if unable to balance or have an injury.

25  March 2023

Swipe Up To Learn More: The Tree Yoga Pose or Vrikshasana: 6 Benefits, and How to Do It Correctly