Dermaplaning Regret: Are you a woman who prefers to remain tip-top & perfect by shaving all the extra hairs that overgrow on the different parts of your body? Then, you must surely have thought about removing the extra hairs that overgrow on your face, too, or about shedding out the dead cells of your face that make your facial skin so rough. This is because these features of your face make you feel embarrassed & insecure amongst so many people in your office or any other public place.
And, if you are thinking of trying the dermaplaning method, let me tell you that you are taking a big risk on your face. Yes, dermaplaning is indeed said to fix one’s problem of facial hair or dead skin cells, but do you know how horrible your skin can become if the method is not done appropriately? It will become so dreadful that you will regret it later for doing the dermaplaning.
That doesn’t mean that the method is too hard to do. It’s a very easy method of hair & dead skin removal from your face & smoothening your facial skin. But, you have to do it on your face by someone who is truly an expert in dermaplaning & has to avoid doing it yourself. Otherwise, you will injure yourself & your face will be filled up with scars & bruises.
Now, the question is, what exactly is this dermaplaning method of facial hair removal? And, how can we avoid undergoing the dermaplaning regret? What is dermablading & does this process work permanently? Does it have any side effects? Well! To know all these things, Come! Let’s move further:
What Is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning, also known as Dermablading, is a quick but non-invasive procedure for removing facial dermaplaning hair regrowth by shaving it, thus making your skin smooth, polished, and glowy. The shaving is done using dermaplaning razors with dermal blades, and it also removes dead facial cells simultaneously.
Though this technique of vellus hair removal sounds much easier, it has to be done very carefully & with proper consciousness from appropriate angles. If a slight mistake happens in the cutting angle, you will be left with a cut or bruised skin on your face. So, the dermablading went wrong, & you will be in deep regret for choosing this method.
Dermaplaning Hair Regrowth
Now, you may wonder, does dermaplaning make hair grow back thicker? The answer is ‘No’. Dermablading is nothing but shaving facial hair off the skin’s surface, not from the roots.
Shaving hair never interferes with its original growth. So, if you regularly perform dermablading facial treatments on your face, your facial hair will not grow back darker and thicker.
However, if you ask us – “does dermaplaning cause stubble?” we will say, ‘Yes’, it’s common to experience a little stubble when your facial hair starts growing on your face again.
Is Dermaplaning Bad?
Dermaplaning is not bad, but from the point of view of effectiveness, various intensive exfoliation treatments are more effective than it. This is because dermablading only affects your skin’s top layers and not beyond that. However, various exfoliators exfoliate and glisten your skin from the inside.
Besides, Dermaplaning can have side effects like breakouts on your skin, discoloration, redness & risk of infection.
Does Dermaplaning Work?
Yes, Dermaplaning works if done correctly without any blunder. Once dermablading is done on your face, your face will look smooth, hair-free, bright & youthful. But, this result is not permanent. It will start vanishing away after 3 weeks from the day of Dermaplaning.
4 Dermaplaning Side Effects
Though Dermaplaning, if done properly, will not show you any of its big side effects, you may still notice a few temporary side effects after going through this method. They are:
1. Breakouts
A question may arise in your conscious mind: Does dermaplaning cause acne? The answer is ‘No’; it never does. However, if your facial skin is prone to acne, this facial hair and dead cell removal technique may result in fresh breakouts.
So, you should avoid dermablading if your skin has acne. Besides, you can resist breakouts by dermablading carefully and not touching the razor blade on your face’s active acne.
Touching the dermal blades over the active facial acne may help the bacteria to spread easily over your face & stimulate another flare-up. Removing a skin layer from your face through dermablading keeps your facial skin more exposed to foreign objects.
So, if any bacteria remains on the derma blade or your hands, treating dermablading will result in your facial acne breakouts.
2. Dryness
This exfoliation treatment of dermaplaning initially makes your skin feel dry and slightly flaky. This treatment is expected to improve your facial dryness by removing your face’s dead skin cells. However, you will feel just the opposite during the first few days. Your face will experience tightness and dryness.
3. Irritation
In dermaplaning, a blade scrapes across your skin & this scraping of the blade irritates your face. Also, after the treatment of dermablading, you will have red, itchy & discolored skin during the 1st one or two days.
4. Small Cuts
If the dermaplaning session is done more intensively, you may experience a few minor cuts & grazes over your facial skin after it’s over. This happens more often in the case of persons who have rough skin texture.
However, good treatment from a dermablading specialist will help the cuts heal fast and without any left-out marks.
Is Dermaplaning Good For Acne?
Dermaplaning is believed to be a good acne treatment. The process of shaving removes the outermost layer of your facial skin, dramatically curtailing the visibility of any scars resulting from acne.
This is made possible by peeling the discoloration and uneven texture associated with your face’s scar tissue.
Products You Should Not Apply Both Before & After This Facial Treatment
- Avoid retinoids for at least 3-5 days before dermaplaning.
- Avoid retinoids for at least 2-3 days after dermablading.
- Do Avoid any makeup for at least twenty-four hours after it.
- Avoid any physical scrub for at least 2-3 days after it
- Avoid sun damage or tanning under it. Instead, apply SPF on your face.
Wrapping Up
“Dermaplaning Regret” is a phrase applied to some people who have faced bad experiences after dermaplaning over their faces. Nevertheless, many people have undergone this facial treatment without regret and are also very happy with its result.
So, dermaplaning is a matter of regret or not, depending on how minutely and unmistakably it has been performed. It all depends on whether the hands are experienced.
Dermablading is a bit costly if done under good supervision, so it is wise to avoid this technique if you are not capable of arranging so much money. Inexperienced hands may ruin the procedure and make you suffer long or even for a lifetime.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Answer: Dermaplaning is not a bad facial treatment if done carefully & adequately with the help of a professional expert. However, a slight mistake or a change of angle during the shaving may result in deep cuts or bruises on your face. Also, you may notice a few temporary side effects after going through this method. They are:
1. Breakouts:
If the skin of your face is prone to acne, this facial hair & dead cells removal technique may result in fresh breakouts. Touching the dermal blades over the active facial acne may help the bacteria to spread easily over your face & stimulate another flare-up.
2. Dryness:
This exfoliation treatment of dermaplaning initially makes your skin feel dry & slightly flaky.
Answer: Dermaplaning is not bad & doesn’t ruin your face if done correctly by an expert. However, from the point of view of effectiveness, various intensive exfoliation treatments are more effective than others.
Besides, the result of dermaplaning is not permanent. You have to keep doing this treatment over your face at regular intervals to avoid the further regrowth of facial hair.
Answer: Hairs may grow back on your face over time even after you undergo this treatment as the result of dermablading is not permanent. But, if you do dermablading facial treatments over your face regularly, your facial hair will not grow back darker & thicker.
Answer: People facing active breakouts or severe sunburn & having sensitive skin must not do dermablading. Also, people who have been taking Tretinoin/Accutane for the past six months or are withstanding cancer treatment must avoid this facial treatment.