Ground Beef Nutrition Facts | Is It Bad or Healthy?

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One should know the nutritional facts of ground beef so that one can eat right without becoming vulnerable to life-threatening diseases.

Ground beef is a highly recommended food by dieticians, doctors, and trainers to get healthy nutrients into the body. Ground beef is a major source of iron, protein, minerals, and vitamins. Though ground beef is a bag full of healthy nutrients, it can still worsen your health and invite many fatal diseases if not taken in the right way. For this, you must know about ground beef nutrition facts.


One should know the nutritional facts of ground beef to eat right without getting vulnerable to life-threatening diseases.

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Ground beef Nutrition facts

The following nutritional facts are based on 85g of cooked ground beef (85% lean). Moreover, these don’t have any added fat and sodium.

Calories 218
Sodium 76mg
Fat 13g
Fiber 0g
Sugars  0g
Carbohydrates 0g
Protein 24g
*nutritional facts are based on 85g of cooked ground beef (85% lean)
Ground beef Nutrition facts
Ground beef Nutrition facts

Lean Ground Beef Nutrition Facts

The following table will tell you about lean ground beef nutrition facts. This data is based on 100g of broiled ground beef with only 10 percent of fat. These data are based on the nutrition facts provided by USDA.

Calories 217
Water 61%
Fat 11.8g
Fiber 0g
Sugars 0g
Carbohydrates 0g
Protein 26.1g
*Data is based on 100g of broiled ground beef with only 10 percent of fat.

Ground Beef 80 Lean 20 Fat Nutrition Facts

The nutritional facts of ground beef 80 lean 20 fat are given here in the following table. The serving size of the following data is 4oz or 113 grams.

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Total Calories 287
Total Fat 23g
Saturated Fat  8.6g
Trans Fat  1.3g
Cholesterol  80mg
Sodium  75mg
Potassium  305mg
Total Carbohydrates  0g
dietary fiber 0g
Sugars  0g
Protein  19g
* nutritional facts of ground beef 80 lean 20 fat 

Kroger Ground Beef Patties Nutrition Facts

Below we have furnished the Kroger ground beef patties nutrition facts. Data is based on one patty of 136 grams.

Calories 350
Total Fat 27g
Saturated Fat 10g
Cholesterol 95mg
Sodium 90mg
Protein 23g
Carbohydrate 0g
* Data is based on one patty of 136 grams 

Walmart Ground Beef 73/27 Nutrition Facts 

Let’s check out the Walmart ground beef 73/ 27 nutrition facts from the table below. The serving size of this Walmart ground beef is 112 grams.

Calories 340
Total Fat 30g
Saturated Fat 11g
Cholesterol 85mg
Sodium 75mg
Protein 17g
Carbohydrate 0g
* Walmart ground beef 73/ 27 nutrition facts

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Source: Youtube

What is the risk of having their excess in your diet? 

Having too much quantity of ground beef in your diet will develop some serious health issues over time. Many researchers have found that it increases the chances of heart attack, diabetes, and diseases causing liver problems.

However, many doctors still claimed the allegations wrong, which tells that ground beef is bad for health. Processed ground beef is not beneficial and is risky for health.

What is the risk of having their excess in your diet_
What is the risk of having their excess in your diet_

So, if you want to add protein and vitamins to your body without any risk, then choose grass-fed ground beef. Moreover, one can also go for 100% organic ground beef as it is free from harmful pesticides and added fat.

If you have allergies or health issues, then you must seek your health professional or dietician before including ground beef in your diet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How bad is ground beef for you?

Ans. Ground beef isn’t that bad for you if you have it appropriately. However, ground beef is always considered nutritious and healthy. Ground beef consists of healthy nutrients like iron, minerals, protein, vitamin B3, antioxidants, and more.
However, a few observational studies claim that it causes cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. The prime reason is that they do studies on processed meat, not organic meat. Processed meat is made from overheating, which can surely cause some serious diseases.
Ground beef becomes bad for you when eaten in high quantities as it is a high source of iron that becomes toxic to the body. A high amount of iron affects the brain, heart, and liver.

Q. What is the healthiest ground meat?

Ans. The healthiest ground meat to intake is grass-fed, grass-finished beef. As it is the best source of Omega 3, Omega 6 fatty acids indeed fulfill vitamin A and E requirements in the body.
Moreover, the cholesterol and fat level of this meat is pretty low. That is why it is considered as healthiest of ground meat.

Q. Is lean ground beef healthy?

Ans. Yes, as per most of the studies, lean ground beef is found to be healthy. They deliver a good amount of minerals and vitamins to the body. Moreover, they also give iron and zinc.
Lean ground beef has 95% protein and 5% fat, which are healthy sources of nutrients and less saturated fat.

Q. How many calories does 80/20 ground beef have?

Ans. The 80/20 ground beef has a total number of 231 calories. This information is for 3oz of ground beef.

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Lucia Sterpone
Lucia Sterpone
Lucia Sterpone, a dedicated nutrition professional with a remarkable 8-year journey in promoting well-being through sound nutritional practices. Lucia specializes in providing expert nutrition counseling and education to individuals and groups. He has a passion for helping people improve their health through proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

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