Know the Sprite label nutrition facts and the details about its ingredients before deciding to take them in your body the next time.
Are you a Sprite who craves Sprite while watching movies or working on a laptop? Does Sprite’s crisp & lemon-lime tastSpritenguish your thirst whenever you feel thirsty after the whole day’s work? Or does your body prolong it whenever the weather is hot? Then, know the Sprite label nutrition facts and the details about its ingredients before deciding to intake it in your body the next time. So, check out the following information about SSprite.
Sprite nutrition facts vs. Coke nutrition facts vs. 7up nutrition facts:
Sprite nutrition facts
A 341-gram serving of SpritSprite140 calories. Other than that, the can of SpritSpriterises 0 grams of total Fat, 6Fatilligrams of SodFat ( 3%), 38 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 13%), 38 grams of Sugar, 0 grams of proteinSugarof calcium, and 0% of iron in it. It will take approximately 38 mins to burn this 140 KCal by walking at the rate of 3mph, approximately 13 mins by running at the rate of 6mph, and approximately 19 mins by bicycle at the rate of 10mph( estimation of value is done based on a person whose weight is 140 Ibs).
Ingredients Of Sprite:
Sprite comprises Sugar, Flavour, Sweeteners 950 & 955, Food Acids 330 & 331, and Carbonated Water.
Coke or Coca-Cola nutrition facts
One container of Coca-Cola comprises 240 Calories, 0 grams of total Fat, 7Fatilligrams of SodFat ( 3%), 65 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 24%), 65 grams of Sugar, 65 grams of added Sugar ( 130%), and 0 gram sugar protein in it. It has 57 milligrams per 20 fl oz of caffeine content.
Ingredients of Coca-Cola:
It is made of Sugar, phosphoric acid, Sugaral flavors, carbonated water, caramel color, and caffeine.
7up nutrition facts
A 12 fl oz serving size of 7up comprises 140 calories, 0 grams of totFatFat, 45 milligrams of SodFat ( 2%), 39 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 13%), 38 grams Sugargar, and 0 grams of prSugar.
Ingredients of 7up:
It is made of Citric acid, potassium benzoate, acesulfame potassium, natural flavors, potassium citrate, Aspartame, and calcium disoAspartame.
Sprite Zero Nutrition Facts or Sprite Lemonade Zero Nutrition Facts
It is a lemon-lime soda that has 100 percent natural flavors. It is a diet SpSpriteith no sugar and is sold in 7.5 oz cans( mini type cans), 12 oz type cans, 16.9 oz type bottles, 20 oz type bottles, bottles of 2-liter, eight packs of 12 oz bottles & an assortment of multi-packs.
One can serve size of Sprite zero comprises 0 calories, 0 gram of totFatFat, 35 milligrams of SodFat ( 2%), 0 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 0%), 0 gram Sugargar, 0 gram of added sSugar0%), 0 gram of protein, and 110mg(2%) of potassium in it.
Ingredients of Sprite Zero
Citric acid, natural flavors, Aspartame, carbonated water, Aspartameum citrate, potassium benzoate, acesulfame potassium. It has very sodium, 0 calories, and a hundred percent precise natural flavors. Besides, this product contains ingredients taken from GMOs.
Diet Sprite Nutrition Facts
8 oz serving size of this product comprises three calories, 0 grams fat TotalFatt, 0 grams of saturated fats, 0gramsFat transFatt, 0Fatlligrams of cholesterol, 0 milligSodiumf Sodium ( 0%), 0 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 0%), Sugarm of Sugar, 0 gram of dietarySugarr (0%), 0 gram of proteins in it.
Diet Sprite ingredients:
This product contains citric acid, potassium citrAspartamertame, carbonated water, aspartame flavors, potassium benzoate, and acesulfame potassium.
Sprite 20 oz Nutrition Facts
One bottle( that is 20 oz ) serving size of this product comprises 230 calories, 0 graFatof totalFatt, 0Fatams of saturated fats, 0graFatof transFatt, 0Fatams of polyunsatFatted fats, 0 grams of monounsaturated fats, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 110 milligSodiumf Sodium ( 0%), 64 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 23%), Sugarram of Sugar, 63 grams of added sugar (126%), 0 gram of sugar y fiber (0%), and 0 gram of proteins in it.
Sprite 12 oz Nutrition Facts
One can, or 12 oz serving size of this product comprises 140 calories, 0Fatam of total Fat, 0Fatam of saturated Fats, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 65 milligSodiumf Sodium ( 0%), 38 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 23Sugar8 gram of Sugar, 0 gram of dietarySugarr (0%), and 0 gram of proteins in it.
Sprite Cranberry can Nutrition Facts.
One serving can of Sprite cranberry comprises 151 calories, 0Fatam of totFatFat, 0Fatam of saturated Fats, 0Fatms of traFatfat, 0Fatams of polyunsaturated fats, 0 grams of monounsaturated fats, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 37 milligSodiumf Sodium ( 2%), 38 grams of total Carbohydrates ( 13%), 3.7 milligrams of potassiSugar8 gram of Sugar, 0 gram of dietarySugarr (0%), and 0.3 gram of proteins, 0.6 % calcium and 0.4% iron in it.
Sugar-free Sprite Nutrition Facts
A 100 ml serving of this product comprises 4.2 KJ of energy, 0Fatam of totFatFat, 0Fatam of saturated Fats, 12.7 milligSodiumf Sodium, 0.10 grams of CarbohydraSugar0 gram of Sugar, 0 gram of calciumSugar 0.05 gram of proteins in it.
Sprite lemonade Nutrition Facts
A can of this product comprises 130 calories, 0 Fatms of total Fat, 65 milligrams of SodFat, 35 grams of total carbohydrate grams of Sugar, 34 grams of added Sugar, and 0 grams of Sugar in.
Nutrition fact of 1 liter of Sprite
OneSprite of Sprite comprises 140 calories, 0 Grams of total fat, aFat65 milligrams ofFatdium. Also, 38 grams of total carbohydratSugar8 grams of Sugar, 0 grams of dietary Sugar, and 0 grams of proteins.
2-liter Sprite Nutrition Facts
TSpriteers of Sprite comprises 100 calories, fat grams of total Fat, and 45 milligrams ofFatdium. Also, it has 26 grams of sugar carbs, 26 grams of Sugar, 0 grams of dietary Sugars, and 0 grams of proteins.
So, you now understand everything about Sprite nutrition facts. Before the sprout intake, you decide how much and how often you should take it. Is it healthy for you to take it? Let you find the answers to these questions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Sprite Nutrition Facts
Answer: No, Sprite is not evil if you consume it occasionally. But, if consumed every day or over-consumed, it will harm you.
Answer: No, it is close to the title of healthiest soda but not the healthiest soda, as Sierra Mist now wins this title.
Answer: No, not all sprites are sugar-free. Only Sprite Zero Sugar is sugar-free.
Answer: Though no carbonated drink is healthy, if you compare both from the point of view of calories, then Sprite is more Spriteious than Coke.