4 Amazing Benefits of Eagle Yoga Pose or Garudasana Pose

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Eagle yoga pose or garudasana translates to eagle pose, and it gets its name from the fact that your arms and hands look like the wings of an eagle while you’re in this pose.

Eagle poses in yoga can open up your hips and chest and strengthen your arms and shoulders.

4 Amazing Benefits of Eagle Yoga Pose or Garudasana Pose
4 Amazing Benefits of Eagle Yoga Pose or Garudasana Pose

This eagle posture yoga is said to increase self-confidence, improve digestion, and help you maintain a better balance with the world around you.

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It also improves your physical stamina and can increase your concentration levels. Here’s what you need to know about these remarkable eagle yoga poses.

What is Eagle Yoga Pose or Garudasana?

Also known as Garudasana, Eagle Pose strengthens your thighs and hamstrings, stretches your chest, shoulders, and back, improves balance and concentration, and boosts self-confidence.

What is Eagle Yoga Pose or Garudasana
What is Eagle Yoga Pose or Garudasana

The Garudasana pose also opens the hips and groin area to increase flexibility, relieves lower back pain, and works in synergy with other poses such as Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I).

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The eagle poses yoga requires great mental strength and focus on keeping your balance while you are moving through the various positions of the pose.

How Does Eagle Yoga Pose Help?

The Eagle Position, aka the Eagle yoga pose or Garudasana, is an intermediate yoga pose that stretches and opens your hips, hamstrings, and upper body.

When practiced regularly, it can help relieve back pain and improve digestion. In fact, there are many more health benefits to be uncovered in the eagle pose.

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The prominent benefits of the Eagle pose you will experience once you start practicing it regularly.

How To Do Eagle Yoga Posture or Garudasana Pose?

To fully realize the benefits of this yoga pose and get in shape, you’ll want to build up your strength by regularly practicing at home with these simple steps. Let’s start!

  1. Begin with the Tadasana or mountain pose. Place your feet equal to your hip-width distance. Both of your arms will remain at the sides of the hips.
  2. Bend both of your knees and sit back in a chair pose position. Lean slightly back to keep the upper back straight.
  3. Start with lifting the right leg and then wrap your right thigh over the left leg. Try taking your right foot behind the left calf.
  4. Take both your arms in front of you and start wrapping with the left arm over your right. The left elbow will cross over your right upper arm, and then you need to slide the right hand toward the face and cross your forearms.
  5. Press both arms and start raising the elbows to the shoulder’s height.
  6. Hold this position for up to 5 deep breaths, and gradually you will experience some stretch in your upper back.
  7. Get back again into the mountain pose and perform the same steps for another side.

4 Benefits of Eagle Pose

Eagle pose benefits are uncountable, and once you read all its benefits, we are sure that you will start practicing Eagle poses from tomorrow.

4 Benefits of Eagle Pose
4 Benefits of Eagle Pose

1. Helps in Deep Breathing

As soon as an individual gets into the eagle pose position, his ability to breathe deeply will increase. One has to wrap their arms from the front, which allows their lungs to open and thus promotes deep breathing.

2. Improve Focus and Balance

The eagle posture is all about balance, and an individual requires an immense amount of focus to balance themselves. Thus to keep themselves steady in the eagle position, they improve their ability to focus. Focus and balance go hand in hand while practicing garudasana yoga.

3. Deeply Stretches The Glutes

Practicing Garudasana daily opens up the hips muscles, and once an individual starts wrapping their legs tightly, the more they feel their hips stretched.

4. Works as Shoulder Opener

Not only this eagle yoga posture stretches arms and hips muscles, but they do help in opening shoulder muscles, and all your shoulder stiffness will go away within a few days of practicing eagle yoga.

How Long Should I Hold Eagle Yoga Pose?

If you’re feeling ambitious, set a timer for five minutes. But if it’s your first time, just try to hold it for 60 seconds. Once you can do that with ease, try holding it for 90 seconds.

As you practice regularly and get stronger and more flexible, work toward 10 minutes or longer. (And remember: Don’t lock your knees!).

How Long Should I Hold Eagle Yoga Pose
How Long Should I Hold Eagle Yoga Pose

You may find that repeating several times through is a good way to get strong and keep focused on posture; be sure to take at least 30 seconds to rest between each repetition, so you don’t hurt yourself.

Is There a Variation For Beginners?

In order to do the Garudasana yoga pose, you will need to have a certain amount of balance and strength in your upper body.

Suppose you feel unsteady on your feet or find it difficult to balance while holding the eagle position. In that case, some variations can help you increase your ability before trying Garudasana.

Is There a Variation For Beginners
Is There a Variation For Beginners

The preparation for Eagle posture can be done by doing a downward-facing dog and placing your hands on an elevated surface, such as a block. This will help in building up strength in your upper body until you’re ready for a full eagle pose.

Other Poses To Complement It

Opening up your hips and shoulders is a good idea if you’re interested in doing an eagle pose. The triangle pose (trikonasana) and standing forward bend (uttanasana) are two poses that target these areas.

Also, if you’re particularly flexible, the pigeon pose (kapotasana) might help deepen your understanding of the eagle pose.

Lastly, working on increasing your flexibility with general exercises like planks and wall sits can help open up both your hips and shoulders. So it’s great to practice other poses in addition to Eagle!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about eagle yoga pose

Q.1. What is Eagle Pose good for?

Ans. The Eagle pose is known for multiple benefits, but prominently, it is suitable for improving focus and balance, stretching the hip muscles, and opening up the stiff shoulders.

Q.2. Who should not do an eagle pose?

Ans. If you suffer from any lower back or knee problems or have recently sprained an ankle, you should not do an eagle pose. This can cause further injury if your body is not prepared for it. You must also be careful never to overstretch, which can cause injury.

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evy wilkins
evy wilkins
Evy Wilkins, an accomplished author and seasoned yoga expert, brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the world of wellness through her insightful articles. Drawing inspiration from her diverse experiences in the field, she has cultivated a unique voice that resonates with both seasoned practitioners and beginners alike.

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