7-Day keto diet plan for weight loss: Get in Shape in 1 Week

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Are you serious about your diet plan and desperately want to shed your extra body fat but sadly can’t make it? We know how it feels. Have you thought about the keto diet plan for weight loss? Most of us don’t make it because we are not aware of such diet plans. The Keto diet plan over the years has been most talked about. 

The idea behind the diet plan is to reduce the intake of carbohydrates and complement the gap with fat and protein. You don’t have to control your appetite while dieting, at least when you are on a keto diet plan. Learn more about the keto diet plan for weight loss and more through the article. 

What is the Keto Diet Plan for Weight Loss?

The concept of a ketogenic diet plan has been quite old and has been implemented over the years for losing weight. The Keto diet is usually a low carbohydrate but enriched fat-consuming plan to treat certain medical conditions. Initially, when the keto diet plan was popularized, it was found effective in resolving diabetes and related issues. 

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What is Keto Diet Plan for Weight Loss
What is the Keto Diet Plan for Weight Loss

If we go back to the ’20s then the ketogenic diet plan was a sound technique to treat epilepsy. Soon, the higher fat moderate protein, and less carb technique was followed in controlling cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and PCOD. 

Keto Diet Foods List: What to Eat on the Keto Diet?

Given the situation where after the keto diet your carbohydrate intake reduces to even less than 5%. The food list must include adequate fat content which eventually puts the metabolic state of ketosis. It is through ketosis that the stored fat is broken into molecules known as ketone bodies which further are used for energy. 

Keto Diet Foods List What to Eat on the Keto Diet
Keto Diet Foods List What to Eat on the Keto Diet

The choices available while following a ketogenic diet are sufficiently vast. And here’s the list- 

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1. Fish and Seafood

Fish and seafood like shrimps are great sources of protein, vitamin B, and Selenium. Certain fish like mackerel and salmon are higher in Omega 3 fats which help in lowering blood glucose levels and enhancing insulin sensitivity. 

2. Meat and Eggs

Poultry meat or red meats are higher in lean protein and are taken as a staple for the Ketogenic diet. This poultry doesn’t contain any carbohydrates but is a greater basis for vitamin B, minerals, selenium, zinc, and potassium. While speaking about the meat we would prefer fresh meat if chicken, fish, or head and replace it with processed meats including sausages. 

Even eggs are a greater source of protein and vitamin B and completely ignore carbohydrates. Eggs also control your unwanted appetite and maintain blood sugar levels. 

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3. Dairy Products 

Milk. Cheese or yogurt is higher in calcium as well as protein-rich. Cheese is also rich in fat and contains zero carbs which is highly suitable for the keto diet. However, if you are skeptical about cardiac diseases then cheese delivers nearly 30-35% of daily saturated fat which is not friendly to the heart condition. 

4. Green Veggies

There are a variety of green veggies that have lower carbs and calories and instead include minerals, vitamin C, and nutrients. Some low-carb veggies consist of antioxidants that shield the body from cell-damaging radicals. Examples of low-carb veggies are broccoli, green beans, zucchini, spinach, and cauliflower. 

5. Ground nuts, Nuts, and Seeds 

If you want to focus more on polyunsaturated and monosaturated fibers, fats, and protein then nuts and seeds are excellent sources. When you calculate the net car a then it’s quite low. 

6. Organic Oils

Certain healthy oils like coconut and olive are often recommended for cooking while on the keto diet. Even though coconut oil does have saturated fat it does contain Medium Chain Triglycerides for increasing ketone production. MCTs, help in losing weight as well as shedding belly fat. 

Keto Diet Plan List for Indians

Indians, have a much wider scope of dishes while following the keto diet plan. Indians, while following a keto diet plan list must intake simple food that the body can easily adapt to free from digestion issues. Don’t regularly eat those dishes or foods which directly or indirectly impact your health. 

There’s a general assumption that Indian Diet plans are richer in carbs than fat and useful minerals. But if we emphasize more on locally produced or cooked foods that is not the case. 

  • Non-Veg Category: You can eat animal protein from chicken, lamb, fish ( tuna, salmon, catfish), eggs, and mutton.
  • Veg Category: Indians may follow a green keto diet plan because they can eat wider green veggies. Some include bottled or pointed gourds, zucchini, brinjal, French beans, mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower, and. Beetroots. 
  • Diary Options: Paneer, Lassi, Tofu, Curd, high-fat cream, and white butter, ghee. 
  • Others: Oil fetched out from nuts including coconut, olive, almond, and avocado. Instant energy can also be gained while eating smoothies and salads. 

7-Day Keto Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Even though the ketogenic plan does not compel you to control your taste buds the diet plan is undeniably technical. It is all about following the right amount of macronutrients because too much protein may push someone out of ketosis. The only permitted consumption of net carbs is 30-50 grams for adults per day. 

7-Day Keto Diet Plan for Weight Loss
7-Day Keto Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Here are the recommended 7 days keto diet plan for weight loss: 

Day 1: Monday-

Try to divide your meal three to four times a day. 

Breakfast- Begin your day with pancakes made from almond oil or buns with eggs. You can have coconut milk and berries as side dishes. 

Lunch- Have protein-enriched tuna salad in an avocado boat. You can also think about having bacon and grilled chicken with salad and blue cheese dressing. 

Diner- Prefer eating light dishes during night time. Have cabbage or green soups with sausage and melted mozzarella. 

Day 2: Tuesday-

On the second day of your keto diet try having food that is based on animal protein and low fiber content. 

Breakfast- You can have scrambled or half-boiled eggs with pumpkin seeds and salads. 

Lunch- Grilled chicken or chicken mayonnaise with salads including cucumber, onion, tomato, and almonds. 

Dinner- Beef or lamb stew with boiled mushroom, celery, onions, and beef broth. At dessert, you can try a smoothie made of milk and almonds. 

Day 3: Wednesday-

The third day of the diet plan should focus more on chicken and egg-based proteins. 

Breakfast- Eat fried egg or sunny side up with broccoli and mushroom in the breakfast. You can also drink fresh fruit juice 

Lunch- Go green during lunchtime with cereals, avocado, and lettuce cups with rice. Or else you can also try egg salad. After reasonable gapndurubh snacks, you can eat nuts, bell peppers, and cheese slices. 

Dinner- Given that you had a light meal course during that time, you can eat chicken breast soup and rice with sprout salad at night. 

Day 4: Thursday-

You can taste seafood along with dairy and veggies on the fourth day of your diet week. 

Breakfast- Your morning will start with enough strength when your morning meal is based on seeds and nuts. Have a smoothie made of almond but or chia seeds, butter spinach, or protein powder during the time. 

Lunch- Seafood may be heavy for some therefore if you are having shrimp then have light veggies. Such as avocado salad, and cheese herbs. Olive oil or lemon juice. 

Dinner- Try out butter steak with mushroom or boiler egg at night. You can also eat flax crackers with cheese as dessert. 

Day 5: Friday-

It’s the last working day before the weekend so, we assume you need reasonable energy. Prepare the meals accordingly. 

Breakfast- Take two eggs fried with cheese or butter and complimented by veggie salad and avocado is a wiser choice. 

Lunch- You can take a simpler lunch like tuna or salmon salad with bell peppers and cheese slices. 

Dinner- Again it’s chicken time at dinner. Have chicken breast and potato and cauliflower mash with peas. 

Day 6: Saturday-

It’s the weekend and you don’t require proto-energy-consuming meals. So, try out:

Breakfast- Make your breakfast interesting with scrambled eggs, crunchy brown bread, and sunflower seeds and onions. 

Lunch- Have fish at lunch, and try out tuna salad with spinach and a bowl of macadamia nuts. 

Night- You can eat meat at night like mutton or pork chops with no starchy vegetables you prefer. 

Day 7: Sunday-

Have a delightful Sunday with your favorite dishes. This include: 

Breakfast- Eat Buttered toast with sweet desserts like yogurt and diet-friendly granola a fair share. 

Lunch- You can make your green burger at home with kale salad, and guacamole, and can include beef fillings. 

Dinner- Your dinner should consist of animal protein in the form of stirred chicken or other meat types, satay salad, broccoli, and mushrooms. 

You can repeat the keto diet plan in a cycle every seven days. It has been found helpful by many while following the ketogenic plan. 

7 Foods to Avoid in Keto Diet

Every food which is an active source of carbs must be avoided while following a keto diet. The top 7 foods to avoid in the keto diet are- 

  • Refined a carbs food source including white bread, pasta, rice, etc. Is it difficult to survive without them? Try taking them at a moderate level. Instead, try out mashed or riced cauliflower. 
  • Avoid alcoholic or soft drinks because they higher share of carbs and even low nutrient count. 
  • Potato and starchy vegetables must be prevented from the keto diet. Indeed, sweet potatoes have greater potassium and dietary fiber but are not a great vegetable for keto. 
  • Honey syrup or sugary packaged food. You should also avoid energy drinks or packaged juices. 
  • Grains and wheat also must be avoided from the keto diet plan for weight loss. 
  • Fruits that have higher fructose, glucose, or carbs share also should be neglected. Such fruits included are apples, bananas, peaches, pineapples, pears, raisins, and grapes. 
  • Legumes and beans do not have moderate protein content and, therefore, won’t be very helpful in energy generation. So, beans including black beans, lentils, labia, green peas, lima beans, and green beans should be out of the list. 

10 Benefits of the Keto Diet Plan

1. Helps in Losing Weight

To start from the obvious and on which the article is based the keto diet plan helps in weight loss. Such diet plans actively assist in body transformations and give you a healthy and athletic physique. Eating high-fat and moderate protein-based foods also enable you to control unwanted cravings. 

2. Promotes Good Cholesterol (HDL over LDL) 

When your carb count reduces there are chances of an increase in High Density  

 Lipoprotein (HDL) is also known as good cholesterol. On the contrary, while following the low-fat diet, there are chances of moderate or declining presence of HDL. 

3. Healthy Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels 

Those on the borderline or already have diabetes should follow the keto plan because it reduces blood sugar. Cutting your daily carbs reduces both blood sugar and insulin level rapidly. Controlling the insulin level may treat and reverse type 2 diabetes. 

4. Soaring Energy Level 

Instead of using glucose as a fuel for energy when you rely on fat for energy production, our endurance improves. In the beginning days of the keto diet plan, you may face keto flu leading to fatigue, headaches, and nausea. However, those symptoms are normal as your body is getting accustomed to burning fat for energy generation. 

5. Healthy Liver 

If you can maintain a healthy liver then the risks of diabetes are minimized. Fatty liver sometimes becomes the hub for serious ailments and diseases. So, those with fatty liver should try out the diet plan as the generated energy level using ketosis is more sustainable. 

6. Fall on the Inflammation Level

Inflammation is as common as in another biological systems of our body. It is through inflammation that your body stays immune to fight against toxins and infections. However, the impulsive tendency to fight through inflammation may lead to chronic health problems. Chances of diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s increase. Studies have found a positive correlation between the ketogenic diet and a fall in the inflammation level. Keto reduces proinflammatory cytokine levels. 

7. Improves Syndromes like PCOS 

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome enlarges the ovaries with cysts-like growths. It is believed that sticking to a high-carb diet impacts women’s health. Keto reduces weight plays a key role in hormonal balance and works on the luteinizing hormone. 

8. Low Blood Pressure Level 

Low carbohydrate also assists in lowering high blood pressure. It is with the keto diet that the risks of severe ailments like high blood sugar and lower eyesight improve. Regulating the blood sugar level also promotes a healthy heart

9. Probably can Reduce the Risk of Cancer 

Even if not all kinds or stages of cancer it does reduce the risk of cancer. The Keto diet is also friendly to enduring treatments related to radiation and chemotherapy. Since the diet minimizes high blood sugar it slowly assists in limiting the insulin complications related to certain cancer. 

10. Good Cognitive Ability 

Keaton diets also support many neuroprotective benefits. Therefore, assists in curing conditions including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer, etc. A young adult following such diet plans is likely to have an alert brain and greater concentration ability. 


A ketogenic diet plan as researched for years has worked for good and effectively helps in curing many severe conditions. Most importantly, the keto diet sounded helps in losing weight. However, if you have health complications, we would recommend consulting a professional nutritionist or your doctor before seriously following the keto plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the keto diet plan for weight loss 

Q. Is the keto diet healthy?

Answer- Following a keto diet plan is one of the healthy choices you will make in your routine. The basic idea behind such a dietary plan is reducing the intake of carbohydrates and maximizing fats and protein share. 

Q. What can I not eat on keto?

Answer- Foods with higher carb intake should be avoided. Particularly foods like white bread, pasta, alcoholic drinks, potatoes, fruits like apples, bananas, and grades must be avoided.

Q. What dairy can you have on keto?

Answer- Low-carb dairy products including cheese, cottage cheese, butter, white cream, yogurt, and milk can be taken.

Q. Is the keto diet good for weight loss?

Answer- The keto diet limits glucose intake and instead uses fat as a fuel to generate energy. Following the keto diet would control your unnecessary cravings and therefore help in lose weight. 

Q. What are the top 10 keto foods?

Answer- Top keto foods are avocado, green leafy veggies like spinach, bottled gourd, broccoli, tuna, mutton, lamb meat, egg, nuts, coconut, olive oil, cottage cheese, tofu, etc.


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Dr. Michael Smith
Dr. Michael Smith
Meet Dr. Michael Smith, a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, and weight loss expert with over 7 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. Dr. Michael Smith has helped thousands of individuals achieve their weight loss goals through a combination of science-based strategies, personalized meal plans, and effective exercise programs.

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